Newest Concepts

Is the spirit a structure formed by energy, like everything else in the universe?
Being endowed with energy, how could it not yet be detected by electronic equipment, at least not yet in a recognizable way?
Why are still only living organisms able to accomplish this feat?

It is known that the brain is the link between the spirit and the physical body, the center that makes possible the communication of the spirit with the material world, and until the present day the only really functional means known.
Could a man-made machine accomplish something similar?
Perhaps it is necessary first to understand this link created by nature in order to answer this.
First of all, it is necessary to understand that nothing was created with magic, everything in the universe, even miracles, are the result of scientific and mathematical phenomena, within the laws of Physics, although far from being understood by the living men of this world.
This is also the phenomenon of communication between the spirit and the brain, which is carried out through reactions at a quantum level with the neurons of the brain.
Quantum level is every phenomenon observed focusing on the reactions caused by the smallest particles of nature, particles that form atoms and are components of light and electricity.
Although science does not officially recognize the theory of the brain working in the quantum level, some scientists already believe that the origin of consciousness is beyond the mere explanation of molecular chemical reactions.
Until the present day, inefficient methods have been used to communicate with disembodied spirits, many of these experiments perhaps mostly of dubious veracity.
Such methods are based on the generation of an audio signal by the spirit itself, something that does not occur in the living brain, which communicates with the spirit through patterns, similar to a QR code but much more complex, where the brain is equivalent to a camera and the spirit to the code.
Each energy point of the spirit communicates with each dendritic spine of the corresponding neurons, just as each QR code pixel communicates with each camera pixel, which when decoded generates a certain reaction.
The variation of these patterns occurring in fractions of a second is what defines the thoughts, reactions and emotions of the living person. The voice and speech is generated by the decoding of the brain itself in conjunction with the vocal cords, and not by the spirit that just sends the energetic patterns.
Dendritic spines are pigments on the outside of each neuron, responsible for communication between neurons, these pigments arise or die in their specific locations according to learning or reactions of the spirit.
Nerve connections and dendritic spines work similarly to trees, which grow towards the light.
The dendritic spines arise where each energy point of the spirit causes them to arise, and each dendritic spine receives light from each energy point of the spirit, just as each cell in the leaves of the tree receives its photon of light from the sun.
In this way, the brain is shaped by the spirit, just as the tree is shaped by the sun.

Another factor that makes it possible for the brain to communicate with the spirit is the super sensitivity of living cells, in this case neurons.
No conventional electronic sensor has such a level of sensitivity, making it difficult to obtain results by artificial means, and may require a high level of amplification and special sensors.
The origin of the super-sensitivity of living cells seems to have something to do with the phosphorus atoms and phosphate ions existing in cells, whose characteristics make possible the detection and duration of extremely tiny quantum stimuli.
A possible alternative for the electronic experiment is the use of something based on the operation of the laser beam, whose operation is based on the amplification by multiplying the stimuli of the photon particles, where each photon collides with an atom or ion, forcing it to emit new photons.

Another factor of great importance that makes possible the fixation of the spirit to the brain, are the nervous pulses generated by the five senses.
The spirit needs the means of communication to be its link with the material world to identify it as a kind of "physical body".
Without the stimuli, the condition of the spirit is equivalent to incarnating in a totally anesthetized body.
Each variation of a sense generates its own pulse that is sent to its certain neurons, which then generate electrical pulses at the appropriate points where the spirit's energetic points are located, which are thus recognized by the spirit as a certain sensation.
In the brain, the constant production of nerve pulses that generate electromagnetic pulses favors the accommodation of the spirit to the brain.
In the case of an electronic experiment for the purpose of communication, it is sufficient to offer the spirit a certain constant pulsation with a specific frequency, or a set of pulsations with varied frequencies, of an electromagnetic or luminous nature, whose frequencies or spectra need experimentation to be defined.

Although the natural brain is made up of billions of neurons, a large part (perhaps most) of these neurons are for automatic processing by the brain itself, in order to summarize and reduce the need for the spirit to act on neurons, thus offering extremely basic information for the spirit to take the decisions.
Exactly like a computer, which is also formed by countless numbers of transistors, but which summarizes the user's performance to just the few keys of the keyboard and mouse.
In addition, a large part of the neurons responsible for the automatic processing of the brain, are only for processing biological functions of the organism and natural instincts, something totally unnecessary in an electronic experiment of communication with spirits, requiring just enough for basic decoding to be possible. of spirit communication in the experiment.

From the moment an electronic signal, whether generated artificially or by a spirit, is capable of generating voice or another type of signal, it is also possible that this signal or a set of these signals can be used to control motors if decoded properly. .
A computer, an Arduino board, or a circuit composed of frequency filters like the NE567 can serve this purpose.
In this way, the spirit will not only be able to communicate but also interact with the environment through artificial limbs.